This season, it is our hope that every work touches upon the theme "Beyond Skin." We live in a culture that often seems obsessed with what is on the surface; but, the best artists and the most curious people, including our audiences, aren't content to lightly gloss over the substance of life. The things that lay deep within us, connecting us to one another and to a vibrant, changing, fascinating world, are what we crave to investigate and try to understand. Whether we laugh or cry, we want to make contact with what is deeply real, not glib or assumptive.
For dancers who are artists, for choreographers who are seekers, for all who are thirsty for substance, the human body is an instrument that can be utilized to explore, to experiment, to push to new levels, and to be a part of expressing something greater than the sum of its parts. Our bodies are not used to sell a product, nor are they to be used for another's gain or sense of power and dominance. Our bodies lead us far beyond our skin in a never-ending journey to know more, be better, and be more whole. We believe this path is noble and needed in our current culture.
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